How to files extensions with bulk rename utility
How to files extensions with bulk rename utility

This section at the top left of the app is your navigation area – select the folder that contains the images you want to rename and this images will then appear listed in the blue highlighted section to the right. Here’s a rundown of the sections you’re most likely going to need:įolder navigation and file list (red and blue). Sure, it’s not the sexiest looking piece of software, but it can help you with your complex filerenaming needs. However, if you need to make complex changes to filenames in bulk, the best tool for the job is Bulk Rename Utility (BRU), which can be downloaded for free here. If you are already familiar with Adobe Bridge or Lightroom, then you can use either of these to rename your files and this guide will let you know how.īridge and Lightroom are great for simple naming adjustments and allow you to see the images you are renaming, and automatically apply any new names for RAW files to their.

How to files extensions with bulk rename utility